Maine Wedding Photographers

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Mike & Kelly's Wedding Preview, Indianapolis, IN

I just sent a quick preview to Mike and Kelly and wanted to share a few of them here too... Two weeks ago I went alone to shoot a wedding in Indianapolis, my hometown. I will wait to share the whole story about the locations and clients, but it was incredible... SO beautiful and Mike and Kelly are beyond perfect for one another. Their families were some of the nicest and most helpful people I've ever been around.  Kelly was SUCH an expressive bride, I have so many moments from throughout the day that are filled with raw emotion... I have so much more I want to share and talk about and I could easily have included 100 shots in this post, but I need to get their proofs online first as well as catch up on the back log of wedding blogs we have from over the summer...

Mike surprised Kelly with a pre-wedding gift and I have an entire series of images that tell the story... here are two for now. :)

(image on right of Mike taken by my radtastic second shooter for the day, Jason Gaskins)

Thank you Mike & Kelly! I can't wait to show you the rest! :)