WPJA Contest Winner - Bouquet/Garter

The results of the Quarter 4 WPJA contest were announced today and Jess won 2nd place in the "Bouquet/Garter (action)" category. The shot was taken at Adam and Christina's wedding last August. You can view it and all of the winning entries in the variety categories on their website (there are some incredible images there). If you are unfamiliar with the WPJA it is an organization comprised of Wedding Photojournalists and there is an application process to join (you cannot simply pay to be a member). From their website: "the WPJA only accepts into membership gifted, honest wedding photojournalists who work tirelessly to deliver excellent photography to their clients. We also sponsor semi-annual competitions to inspire photographers and illustrate for consumers how transformational truly great wedding photojournalism can be."

wpja contest winner

Seacoast Science Center wedding | Doug and Jenny


Cliff and Kate's Coastal Maine Wedding